Community Bot

"Keeping your community engaged!"

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Receive a daily quote, fact, and question each day at the time specified by you! To set up the feature to receive a daily quote, fact, and question at a specified time, use the command /setup. Click the ‘daily’ button and follow the setup process. You will need to provide a time, time zone, channel, and role to be pinged.


When a message has been reacted to with the ⭐ emoji a specified number of times, it will be sent to the specified channel. To set up this feature, please use the command /setup and click the ‘starboard’ button. You will need to provide a channel and a threshold for the number of reactions required before it gets sent to the channel.


Here you can view all the commands Community Bot currently has.

Command Description Usage
setup Set Community Bot up to work with your server! /setup
customise Customise Community Bot /customise
fact View todays fact! /fact
question View todays question! /question
quote View todays quote! /quote
support Gives an invite to our community server for support. /support
help Shows information about commands and how to use the bot! /help
ping Pong! /ping